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Loyalist Fifes & Drums
Calendar of Events 2025
Jun 16-17
Black Creek Pioneer Village
Jul 1
Bath Canada Day
Jul 21-22
Fort Ontario, NY

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News - Canadian Forces Army Ball Performance

The Loyalist Fifes & Drums, flanked by the Governor General's Foot Guard Band prepare to march off. Fife Major Andrea Putnam rocks the solo.
The theme for the 2013 Army Ball was "1812", so the natural course of action was to include historical reenactors representing that time period. Organizers approached Canadian Fencible C/Sgt Baker, and he in turn contacted LFD Cpl Lindsey to coordinate the period music for the event (ie: asking LFD if they wanted to go on a road trip to Ottawa and play with the Governor General's Foot Guard Band). Clearly it was a tough sell!

All Fencibles and LFDers performed admirably, and if you're interested in seeing what exactly happened, we've just got our hands on the video! It's not the whole thing (there were some bits we aren't allowed to show), but they didn't involve the entire unit, and you could likely ask us about it sometime.

Special thanks (from the author) to Charles for setting it all up and asking us to take part in a unique gig, Andrea for champing the Maple Leaf Forever solo (and making friends in high places in the CF), Mike for being drum majorly and letting Andrea lead us, Christine for showing up and yelling into a phone, Neil for actually practicing and bringing two other people, Rori for rolling well and marching in step, Kate for not polishing my boots OR brass, and Leisha for standing to my left and all the pain and suffering that may have caused.

If YOUR Army has a ball with a theme of 1812, why not contact LFD?

LFD. For all your 1812-themed Army Ball needs.

Cpl G. Lindsey